May 25, 2012


There are moments when you think back on random moments of your life, sometimes you analyze the decisions you made & laugh at the good times & wanna erase memories of the bad. The main time I think about my life is actually when I am trying to sleep.!

I would say Ive had an interesting life, I was in Karate when I was young, did swimming & tennis in high school, had plenty friends, I have always worked, moved out on my own when I was 18, worked & lived at Disney World, been a Student Ambassador at both my colleges.

I also had some bad times too, Love that went wrong, a survivor of domestic violence,one of my best friend & lover dying suddenly & amongst other things. God has always pulled me through, & through all my good & bad times I have really seen how strong I actually am. In each case God has shown me how blessed I am  & how I am going to make it.

Honestly I don't regret a damn thing in my life believe it or not. Ever since I could remember I always said " I refuse to regret anything in my life" I have stuck by that. I have learned so many lessons, I admit some lessons I could have done without & I know my choices to stay in certain situations made those lessons happen. Yet I learned & moved on.

I am so blessed in my life now.  I have come so far & some of my blessings have come out of those good & bad choices. They have made me. Even though I am still mixed up & broken in many ways I wouldn't change it.

Life is not easy & whoever told you it is, LIED. But that's what makes life so cool, fun,scary,amazing & all that other stuff.  When good things happen - Be Thankful, when bad things happen - Be Thankful, yes I said it. There is ALWAYS someone who has it worse than you & there is always something even in the bad to be thankful for.

Things happen Good or Bad, when they do, deal with it or celebrate it & move on- Get over it! Don't waste your life on being miserable, use it on being happy.



  1. New follower from the blog hop and happy I found you! I can't wait to read more. I noticed that you call yourself a "mixed mutt" - my son is bi-racial (13 months old) and always think about how being "mixed" will impact his life. Maybe we can talk more sometime about your perspective on this! Follow my blog at!

  2. it's wonderful that you have such a strong outlook on life and this was a very open and honest post - thanks :)


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