July 13, 2012

Friday Letters 7/13/12


Dear week; Thank you for finally going by so We can get to our anniversary weekend together.
Dear best friend: Congrats on your new marriage, I know we always said we will be at each others wedding & since that didn't happen, Iam so incredibly happy & proud of you! I wish you many years of blessings!
Dear Cousin: I am  so glad that we are finally getting to text and stay in contact, We have missed so much of each others life, I cant wait to learn the woman you have become.
Dear Blogs: You have made me realize that in order for my dreams to come true, I have to do them myself, thank you for helping to make that happen.To my blog The Krave - thanks to the readers & artist that I featured. yall rock!
Dear Mr: I cant wait for this weekend, I hope we have a great time celebrating this time we have together.
Dear Self: I know your waiting for a lil something special this weekend, but keep reminding yourself ITS COMING! and when its the right time, it will be oh so sweet!

Have a great weekend!


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