May 31, 2012


I am the meatloaf queen! jajajaaja

I made my first ever meatloaf from scratch & it turned out so delish & amazing & all the other words that mean totally awesome. I have been pushed by this whole cooking thing. Don't get me wrong I can cook, but I havent had to really try different recipes & cook for someone who really loves food- Good Food.

I notice that when I am cooking, or making something for the first time I tend to pray, I pray over the meal that my hands are preparing, I pray that the meal taste good, provides nutrion for the our bodies & that Mr. is proud of me.

I LOVE the fact that he is, he totally understands how important my "cooking first" are. He takes pictures & give me the wonderful praise, haha.  I actually broke down & cried when he took a bite & said he thought it tasted wonderful. I told him he doesn't know how good it is to hear him say that. Of course I am proud of myself, but at the same time I cook for him.

Its the small accomplishments that are the best ... ;)


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