You know it's funny, You can be there for some people when they needed you, in an emergency, your not close with the person but because they needed you , you were there. Then when you need them , they are not there. its too much of like a "chore" for them.
Ugh... Let me explain. I'm not upset, I'm more like disappointed & bothered..
Tonite we had an emergency... I needed a ride to go get Mr. & our car, we asked our land lord which we rent from ( live in the same house) to give me a ride, we even offered her a full tank of gas for her troubles, she didn't show no emotion, she didn't say "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry I cant help" she just said " well, I'm already in my pajamas... sooooo" Like she was acting like she was laying in bed or something bout to go to sleep. She was watching tv!
So here I had to spend money to take a cab ( spending money on a cab wasn't a issue for me, my main goal was getting to Mr. & bringing him home safe & our car. ) to go get Mr., Now I'm thankful that we got everything straight but here is the thing we discussed ( Mr. & I) We were disappointed she didn't bother to help or care to, it was just a ride.
After all some months back she called us 3 am in the morning, her back went out, me with my medical training, I went straight to her since she asked for help, I helped her get dress, we called 911, I packed a bag , rode in the ambulance with her, we stayed in the hospital with her ALL nite & most of day, we were tired, we wanted to go home but we & I refused to leave her alone in the hospital. Went home got rest, the next few days I visited her, got her car, picked her up from hospital, drove her to get meds, took her home & watched over her. ALL THIS!
Did I mention that we also willingly watch her dog, feed him, take him out, take better care of her dog on most days better than her & when we ask her for a ride & offer her gas for her trouble, we are just brushed off?!
I mean c'mon! The Mr. & i both agreed & said that now we see where we stand with her, more so me, Ive known her since I was 19, ( I'm 26 now) I was very disappointed. We agreed that its a sign that we really need to get everything together to move out of there, & get out of Maryland as well. I'm ready to move... We are just tired of this state for many reasons.
But my readers am I wrong for feeling this way? wouldn't you be like" seriously?" I was like " Oh damn for real?" Let me know your thoughts!
BTW I got a sweet new camera & I cant wait to use it!